27 July 2015 1st quarter sales of financial year 2015/2016 €34.7M, DOWN 1.8%: prospects for annual sales growth confirmed
20 April 2015 Annual Sales of Fiscal Year 2014/2015: € 184.8 Million, Up 3.7 % In 4 th quarter of fiscal year 2014/2015 (from January 1 st until March 31, 2015), Bigben Interactive achieved € 37.1 M sales down by 3.3 % when compared with the same period of previous fiscal year.
20 October 2014 Turnover for the first half of 2014/2015 €73.1 m, +7.2% ; Sustained growth in core business activities: + 9.5%
20 January 2014 Turnover for the 3rd quarter of 2013/2014 A 19.5% increase in sales for the 3rd quarter 2013/2014 : Excellent end-of-year sales dynamic ; Cumulative sales for 9 months at €139.9M, an +11.0% increase over n-1
18 November 2013 2013/2014 Interim profit of 1.8 €m impacted by a strong seasonality Annual targets maintained ; First half sales growing by 3.2 %
21 October 2013 2013/2014 First Half sales of 68.2 €m Up by 3.2 % year on year ; Preparation of a range of strategic products for the year-end sales
29 September 2013 2013/2014 First quarter sales of 32.0 €m Up by 1.5 % year on year ; 7.7 % sales growth in strategic business segments ; growing contribution of gaming convergence accessories
27 May 2013 2012/2013 Annual results Targets achieved – Sales: 163.6 €m + 7.9 % like for like – Current operating margin: 7.0 % – Net profit: 14.2 €m (0.88 € per share)
22 April 2013 Annual sales 2012/2013 Consolidated sales for the full FY 2012/13 closing on 31 March 2013 reached € 163.6 million, a like for like increase of 7.9 % when compared to the same period of the previous financial year 2011/12